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LLM International Law (Coursework)

Department:  Master's
Programme code


Programme information

Refer to Postgraduate Brochure for the complete study programme and Postgraduate Administrative Processes on the Faculty website)

For further information, please access our website: click here

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Faculty notes

For the sixth consecutive year, according to the THE (Times Higher Education) ranking, University of Pretoria Law ranks best in South Africa and Africa - a feat unequalled in Africa.

The Faculty of Law has as its mission the creation and sustenance of a research and education environment that is grounded in values of social justice and excellence.

As the law is increasingly becoming multifaceted and in certain areas more global, the Faculty maintains professional relations with many international bodies, such as the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), the World Bank and foreign universities.

Closing Dates

South Africa - 30/09/2023
International - 31/08/2023

Admission requirements

LLB degree or BProc degree or relevant degree from a foreign university that allows entrance to the formal legal profession A weighted average of at least 65% at final-year level An average of at least 65% for Public International Law at bachelor’s level

Minimum duration

1 years, full-time

Enquiries about the programme

Call Centre Name - Student Service Centre
Telephone Number - 0124203111